
Videocard Benchmarks

Over 800,000 Video Cards Benchmarked

Radeon R9 M265X vs GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU

The values for the video cards below are determined from thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and are updated daily.

  • The first section will show basic information for each Video Card selected.
  • The first graph shows the G3D Mark values of each Videocard selected.
  • The second graph, if price data is available, will shows the value for money, in terms of the G3DMark per dollar.
×Radeon R9 M265X×GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU+ ADD
PriceSearch OnlineSearch Online
Bus InterfacePCIe 3.0 x16PCIe 4.0 x16
GPU ClassMobileMobile
Core Clock575 MHz1455 MHz
Memory Clock1125 MHz2250 MHz
Maximum Memory Supported4096 MB16384 MB
Max TDPNA2150W
First Seen on ChartQ4 2014Q1 2023
# of Samples1471732
Average Results (% diff. to max in group)
DirectX 926 FPS (-91.8%)312 FPS
DirectX 106 FPS (-96.9%)177 FPS
DirectX 117 FPS (-97.5%)266 FPS
DirectX 126 FPS (-94.8%)107 FPS
GPU Compute532 Ops/Sec (-95.7%)12403 Ops/Sec
G2D Rating202 (-79.2%)975
G3D Rating1173(-95.7%)27472
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G3D Mark Rating
As of 12th of March 2025 - Higher results represent better performance
GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU
Radeon R9 M265X